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No Words to Describe It. I don’t even have words adequate enough to say how much I loved this book. It was not easy to read by any means, but I loved it so much. I cannot imagine the research that was done to produce such a treasure, Martin. Having an uncle who was in Pearl Harbor made it even more interesting to me. The tapestry of interwoven lives was beautiful. Toward the end of the book, I began reading it v-e-r-y slowly, simply because I did not want the story to end. Thank you, Martin, for writing this book. When it does become a motion picture, it will be spectacular! Everyone needs to read this book. It is full of inspiration, faith, and forgiveness.


It’s my favorite book we have read in our book club. Wounded Tiger is such an inspirational book unfolding such interesting characters who all touch each other in various ways! This book is a‚“must read”!! It’s my favorite book we have read in our book club!! It will definitely give you many emotions including warming your heart!!

John Ward

Beautiful. It’s amazing that all of these seemingly impossible events actually took place. This true story helps me have faith that there is method to the madness. The accounts of the three interwoven lives are brutal but beautiful. Couldn’t put it down once I started!


The Ultimate Redemption Story. “What man intends for evil, God intends for good.” There’s no better example of that biblical truth than the story of Wounded Tiger. A man who was proud to have led an attack that killed thousands has his hard heart turned inside out by an act of inexplicable compassion. We’ve all heard the expression, “a Hollywood screenwriter wouldn’t even make this up.” Clear your schedule for a day or two. You won’t be able to put the book down.

Dana Cooper

I could not put this book down! This nonfiction novel by T. Martin Bennett is a phenomenal read. Every chapter is captivating as Bennett reweaves the tapestry for us of lives touched by war . . . and by God. If you enjoyed Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, Wounded Tiger is a MUST-READ. And with the times as they are now—with our soldiers over in Afghanistan and Iraq–this book has never been more timely in its arrival. Masterfully written and gut wrenching in its depiction of pain, hatred, loss, and forgiveness.

Julie Kovacic

A True Story–Thrilling from Beginning to End. Wounded Tiger is both a modern- day epic and authentic historical account during one of the most desperate times in our world’s history: a true story of providence and the miraculous, beautifully crafted and told by T. Martin Bennett. Couldn’t put it down and didn’t want it to end.

Dana J Peinado

Novel conveyed dynamics in Japan during and following WWII. I bought this book for a friend of mine who spent twenty-four years in Japan, beginning in 1948. I asked her for her comments after she read the book and they follow: “I lived in Nagasaki from 1948–1951 and experienced the postwar physical and spiritual devastation of the Japanese people as reflected in Wounded Tiger. I thought the three wartime stories followed in the book–Japanese military, Christian missionaries, American prisoners of war–was a fascinating way to deal not only with history but with the influences that created a new way of thinking and being in the Japanese.” I had conversations with my friend as she was reading the book. She was moved to tears at some points and “couldn’t put it down.” I think it is a fine example of the way novelization of history can convey powerful truths.

Carolyn in Brentwood

Riveting! This story is absolutely gripping, especially when you consider that it’s true! Found myself in tears a number of times near the end.


Inspirational and Compelling! One of the most inspirational and compelling nonfiction novels I have had the privilege of reading is Wounded Tiger by T. Martin Bennett . . . With vivid description T Martin Bennett brings to life a war that begins with an alliance between Germany, Italy and Japan and sweeps across Europe, encompassing nations in the Pacific . . . With the use of Japanese words, excepts from propaganda, and news reports the author builds realism into an epic drama that’s often forgotten . . . I can’t say enough about the power of this amazing story, in whose pages we see faith, victory, and hope.


Powerful read. Couldn’t put it down. The writing and research are incredible. Anyone who loves Japan and wants to understand the culture needs to read this book.


This is one of the best books I’ve read in a while! This true account follows several people’s compelling stories, and in the end, weaves them together in an unbelievable conclusion. It’s a great reminder of how one person’s life can have such an impact on so many around them (think It’s a Wonderful Life, only true). Inspiring and encouraging!


My husband enjoyed Wounded Tiger so much that I decided to read it. Someone loaned Wounded Tiger to my husband along with his praise for the book. I immediately purchased it as a Christmas present for my son-in-law who likes history and war stories. War stories are not enticing to me, and I felt it was a man’s book, but my husband enjoyed Wounded Tiger so much that I decided to read it before wrapping it in Christmas paper for my son-in-law. I could hardly put it down, and it clarified some WWII battles for me, especially why Japan would bomb Pearl Harbor, and each character in the book became a personal friend to me.

Ruth E. Vincent

Wow, Wow, Wow! Enthralling story and a must-read. Wounded Tiger is a brilliantly woven true story about two men who, while seeking revenge, find redemption and how a woman’s incredible gift of grace and forgiveness affects the outcome. I was impressed how the story in an indirect way reveals the values and causes which made this time period to be known by many as America’s Greatest Generation . . . T. Martin Bennett, with much research and a commitment to excellence, has produced a story that needs to be told and what will someday be an epic film.

B. Kelly Hamner

EXCELLENT BOOK!!!! This book is one of my favorite books. It is very interesting, and when I started it, I never wanted to stop reading it. The scenes seemed very real and addicting. Overall, I enjoyed this, and I highly recommend taking time to read this book. If I could rate this ten stars I would!

David Crouden

Untold Tales of Pearl Harbor. From dawn to dusk, never putting it down, I devoured this book in one satisfying sitting! Author T. Martin Bennett masterfully recounts the astonishing story of Mitsuo Fuchida, Japanese pilot who led the infamous attack on Pearl Harbor. Not a war story, but character-driven nonfiction originally written as an epic screenplay, Wounded Tiger traces miraculous, but authentic transformation from revenge to redemption–this, through the providentially entwined lives of Mitsuo Fuchida with an American war prisoner and a girl Fuchida never met. Bennett weaves together meticulously documented, albeit stranger-than-fiction, largely untold tales of unlikely characters whose respective life stories unfold magnificently. So compelling is this book, I featured it on my radio program, TRUTH. Talk Beyond the Sound Bite. Wounded Tiger offers a gripping account of WWII as you’ve never heard it. Read it to believe it; and believe it you will!

Debra Mullins

Amazing true story. If you like nonfiction, you will love this book. If you prefer fiction, you will love this book. The story is amazing.


This story brilliantly weaves together the lives of the three main characters. Wounded Tiger is a sensational read! The depth of the characters, the complexity of the story, and the strength of the research makes this story jump off the pages. This story brilliantly weaves together the lives of the three main characters and reveals truth that is stranger than fiction. I was captivated from the beginning and was left wanting more. This is an excellent book, and I would highly recommend it!

Kindle Customer

Buy multiple copies of the book because you’ll want to give them away. This is easily one of the best books I’ve read and best of all, it’s a true story. The story is fantastic. The writing is fantastic. I’m on my third copy of the book because I gave away the first two.


This is perhaps the best book I have ever read. The individual stories that come together at the conclusion are absolutely miraculous. I would recommend this book to anyone. I never read the same book twice, but I will probably read this one again.


War, Love, Hate, and Redemption. As a history buff with a pretty fair knowledge of WWII, I was entranced to read about the Pacific front from the primary viewpoint of the Japanese who lived through it. Mr. Bennett, an incredibly persistent researcher, dug deep and traveled widely into the histories of all the primary characters on both sides of the war. He has brought them very much to life, delving deeply into their histories, characters, and especially their emotions. Weaving them all together is the subject of faith–or lack of it–and how love can overcome hatred and faith can bring one back from the edge of death. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.

Cruising Lover

Great read! This is one of the best books that I have read in a long time. It had me captivated from the beginning and just kept getting more and more intriguing. Loved it! I plan to buy some copies as gifts.

Reader X

This one is a homerun! 5 STARS! I am a devotee of mysteries. Inspector Lynley, Inspector Gamache, etc. I rarely read history or war stories. But I picked up Wounded Tiger. The pages flew by and soon I was held captive by this character driven story. Ladies, don’t pass this one by. Fuchida, Jake DeShazer, and Peggy Covell, worlds apart, ignite the fire that burns throughout Wounded Tiger. I loved it! I can’t wait to see the movie!

Kathryn B. Johnston

Wow is all I can say!! Wounded Tiger is one of the most extraordinary books that I have ever read. It is non-fiction and the setting is WWII. It is NOT a war book per se but is a character story. So, you do not have to enjoy history or reading about wars to love this book. The story flashes back and forth between three different characters. The first is Mitsuo Fuchida, who led the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The second is Jake DeShazer, who grew up on a wheat farm in Washington State. Jake was a bombardier on one of the planes that took part in the Doolittle raid, which was the first attack launched by the US on the Japanese mainland. It was also the first time that bombers took off from an aircraft carrier. The last player is Jimmy Covell. Covell is a missionary in Japan that was forced to leave before the war began. He went to the Philippines to continue his work. When the US retreated from the Philippines, he was forced to travel with his wife into the mountains to seek refuge. All three of these stories converge and how it happens will boggle your mind. Above all else this is a story of the Love of God penetrating the darkest of places and destroying strongholds of racism, anger, unforgiveness, and hatred. It is one of the most powerful stories ever told and reveals that God’s love in pursuit of man is relentless! This book has the power to change your life if you will let it!

Brian F.

A Wonderful Story–and true. If this were purely fiction, it would be an inspiring story of war, hatred, cruelty, and redemption. That it is true makes it one of those stories that MUST be read. When I finished the book, I exhaled, said “Wow!”, and woke up my wife to tell her that she HAD to read the book. Amazing. Simply amazing.

Jim Kaucher

It is the best book I have read this year. I did this book for a high school literature class. Unmistakably, it is the best book I have read this year. Bennett flawlessly weaves the stories of Jake, Jimmy, and Fuchida together and gives the appropriate amount of information to understand each storyline. It is enthralling and gives the Japanese side of the story, something that not many Americans understand. Furthermore, the remarkable amount of detail as well as actual historic photographs that he puts into the book paints a vivid picture of the many scenes found in Wounded Tiger. The extensive amount of research that Bennett conducted to be able to write this book paid off.


Ego and Pride Succumbs to Love & Kindness. This book is a tremendous true story of a pilot who led the attack on Pearl Harbor, an American war prisoner and a young coed. It puts you in another time zone where you literally feel all the pain and despair they felt, lived through and endured for years and how simple acts of kindness changed their lives. I can’t begin to tell you what an impact this true story has had on me. It probably is the best book I have read in a very long time and it’s truly a must read for everyone. It was totally consuming and enlightening and I’m still feeling it deep inside.

Tee Chip

Possibly the most incredible true story I have ever read. An old saying goes‚ “Truth is stranger than fiction.” And if I were to add to it, I would say‚ “And when the two clash, it always wins out.” If there is one book that has convinced me of this, it is the magnificent non-fiction novel I am about to review, entitled WOUNDED TIGER: A TRUE STORY. Written by Mr. T. Martin Bennett, this is not only a true story, but it might be the most incredible true story I have ever read . . . It’s one of those books that I am genuinely proud to have on my shelf, and it just SCREAMS for a big, bold movie adaptation. I love the inclusion of all those rare historical photographs, it turns the book into an invaluable document for those who are interested in the Pacific War. In fact, I am willing and able to go so far as to swear by this book as being the one book on Pearl Harbor that should be read by everyone, all over the world. And it deserves to be, just as much as it deserves the aforementioned movie adaptation. And of course, the ten out of five rating!

alex szollo

This is the most powerful historical biography I have ever read. I love history. I love biography. One of the MAJOR challenges when searching for compelling biography and history books, is finding something that is loaded with fact but delivering those facts in compelling narrative. Martin Bennett has done this and more in Wounded Tiger. This carefully crafted epic churns emotion while painting a vivid mental picture of the times and setting. It is effortless to read, and the three interwoven stories keep your attention rapt. I can’t recommend this book highly enough. THIS BOOK MUST HIT THE BIG SCREEN SOME DAY!!!

Brad Dickey

The BEST WWII account of any story I have read on the topic! I find that many books about history tend to read like stereo instructions, especially in an academic setting. However, there are some accounts given that transport you back in time. Deep connections are forged with the characters in your own mind and heart as you follow them through unspeakable circumstances that need to be told. This is such an account. I have read so many great books, but if you were to force me to recommend one novel for the rest of my life, it would be this book. After you get through the first three chapters, do not make any plans. It will be a book that will be nearly impossible to put down. It kept me on the edge of my seat until the very end. I have given so many copies of this book out to other voracious readers I know. GREAT READ! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! This story NEEDS to go to the big screen and remain untainted from any Hollywood History Revisionist Movie Producer. I hope the likes of Mel Gibson or even Oliver Stone catch wind of this epic story!


Profound! When this book was recommended to me by my brother with great enthusiasm, I began reading it more out of respect for him than a desire to actually read it for myself. However, I was amazed at how quickly I was drawn into the factual but surprisingly vivid storylines. How the incredible power and destructiveness and hatred that fueled the events of WWII in the Pacific could culminate into a story of such hope is more than amazing! It’s profound and gripping to the very last page!

Shirley Henderson

Simply the best book I have read in decades. Read it on the recommendation of a friend and passed my copy around to my family. Only God could orchestrate a story like this.

John Reynolds

I had trouble putting this book down. I loved following the true stories of several people throughout its pages. It brought a whole new perspective to my view of our war with Japan and how I should view others.

The Baker Family

Outstanding!!! The best WWII book I have ever read. A total must read if you love American history. If you don’t believe in a God of second chances, perhaps you will after you have read this. An amazing true story of grace and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.

SW Gon

Wounded Tiger was one the best books I’ve ever read, and most astonishing is that it’s a true story. The author, Martin Bennett, obviously has a talent for making the story come alive as his descriptive writing style allows you to picture each scene as if you were there. I was inspired and given hope that people can truly change from the inside out when they make God the center of their lives. Well done. I look forward to the day when I can see this story told on the big screen.

John Didomenico

Riveting! This book is by far the most riveting and inspirational book I have ever read. T. Martin Bennett takes us into the lives of the main characters with such poignant detail that you feel you are a part of them. It is an amazing story of trials, triumphs, hope and the power of Love! A must read for everyone!

Dawn Sanderson

Most moving, inspiring and God-honoring book I’ve ever read. Growing up in the era of WWII and having family that were in the military at that time, I know firsthand of the fear and hatred of those who attacked Pearl Harbor, even as a child. That God did His marvelous, miraculous work in the heart of the man who led the attack and others affected by prison experience, the steadfast love of God by the missionaries killed in the jungle and the daughter who honored her parents by carrying on with love toward those who killed them is truly an epic happening. It is time to put this to the screen for others to see and understand the great heart of God toward all His children. For “such a time as this” Wounded Tiger was created.

Shirley McMahan

Possibly one of the best books I have ever read, and I read a LOT! Incredible telling of history and told in an adventure-style manner that absolutely glues you to the pages. Many sleepless nights.

Casino Fossil

Troubled about current events? This book is for you. The material and historical value of this book are inestimable. The narratives contained within it express the only solution to the human predicament and they do so against the backdrop of WWII. The characters and events are impossible not to believe and every reader is certain, in my judgment, to be amazed and humbled beyond all expectation. I heard an interview with the author conducted by James Dobson at the time of the 2016 anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack. The story is so much more than anything I anticipated that I am compelled to recommend it.

The Language Tester

Perhaps the Best World War II Book I Have Ever Read! A dear friend presented me with an autographed, hardcover limited edition of this book for Christmas. I wasn’t too sure what to expect, but I was captivated from the first page and even though I was only reading it on my lunch breaks at work, I finished it in two weeks. Deeply personal in its perspective, but accurate in its historical details and sweeping in its scope, the story of Captain Fuchida and his military career was beautifully juxtaposed with his spiritual journey that led him from the elation of victory as a samurai warrior and bomber ace to the pit of despair, and finally to personal redemption through the ministry of a former enemy, and the witness of an American girl whom he had never met. I read a great many books and have probably read hundreds of books about the Second World War. This one may well be the best!

Lewis Smith

I absolutely loved this book! I read this book as a part of a high school literature class and it was phenomenal. I love how T. Martin Bennett wrote and carefully orchestrated his words into this book. I love how he incorporated the Japanese point of view from Pearl Harbor. It put a whole new perspective on that tragedy. Above all, this was an extraordinary book to read and I encourage everyone to take a look at this book.


I’ve read Wounded Tiger seven times and I’ve read thousands of books, but nothing like this before. I’m going to be the first person in line to buy a ticket for the movie! I can’t wait!!!

Steve Spasiano

Blew me away! It truly was an amazing story and the detail that you were able to discover blew me away. I couldn’t put it down. Many tears of joy were shed while reading Jacob’s story and I’m rereading it for the second time. I trust your vision of getting this into film is realized. I absolutely think this is one of the greatest stories of my lifetime. I was emotional through the last portion of the book even though you brought out so much that I had never known. You see, I met Fuchida when I was a boy in Chicago when Fuchida spoke on a Sunday morning to our church and later autographed his book to me.

Alan Fleming

The most captivating true story I’ve ever read. Amazing true story of the pilot who led the attack on Pearl Harbor, as well as a young man who volunteered for the Doolittle Raid out of vengeance, and a young woman whose parents were missionaries in Japan. Each alone are incredible stories– but the fact that they are all tied together, well, if it wasn’t true you’d never believe it. This book will grab you from beginning to end ... and you’ll wish it didn’t have a last page. Truly the most captivating true story I’ve ever read and it’s written masterfully. It’s a MUST READ for everyone ages 12 to 100. Someone needs to make this into a major motion picture!

Shannon Schraufnagel

Not since The Hunger Games have I felt so enthusiastic about a book. I really, really loved this book!! After the initial awe of the characters in this extraordinary tale, I found myself appreciating the way the book itself was written. In a day of shock value and vulgarity in the name of truth, this book took the higher road of honor and simplicity while never straying from the truth. Every word, every quote, timed precisely right! Maps were so helpful! I want to reassure other female readers that this is a story about people during the backdrop of war. The author did an excellent job keeping the war part simple and understandable. Looking forward to see how this will be portrayed on film.


It is the most telling love story of people I have ever read. It’s a very straight- forward story of the soul and the best that we are, even with the worst that we can do to each other. The story that comes together by the last page will touch even the most hardened reader’s heart. It came as close to answering my personal questions as anything has.

Tom Rozman

This is a superb read. The author brilliantly takes apparently disparate stories then weaves them into a single theme that at no time seems the least bit disjointed. As an Army War College graduate and a student of military history, I was most impressed with the historical accuracy of this book. Although set mostly during WWII, this is not a war story per se. It is a story of God’s love winning out through a most brutal and savage conflict.

William Funderburg

If you liked Unbroken, you’ll love Wounded Tiger. No other book about WWII so clearly contrasts the differences between enemies and so powerfully shows how we are all the same.

Timothy Serbin

Wounded Tiger is one of the most amazing books I have ever read! I could hardly put the book down. It’s a great story of love and redemption that I’ll never forget!

Sherri Craig